Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Owen didn't eat his lunch, he was the Lunch (almost)

Today Owen, my little sister Jamie, & I went to the zoo. It was so fun we saw the penguins, elephants, tigers, giraffes, & all sorts of other awesome monkeys.

 this was his reaction to pretty much all the animals.

I guess the paper bears were kinda scary. lol

watching the gorillas 

My little siss Jamie & Owen

love him!

We had a very fun time and as our trip was coming to a close we went to visit the lions & got a pretty sweet show. Basically... the momma lion was trying to eat Owen for lunch...I gotta show you the pictures so you can fully appreciate what I mean.

And he was so brave. Haha. It didn't seem to faze him at all & here with the leopard he doesn't seem to mind at all either. Maybe his middle name should have been Brave or Courage like Spence & I discussed, I do love Owen Justice so much though! Thanks for an awesome day Mrs. Lioness. 

Thanks so much for reading. Blessings to you! <3

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! That is just SO awesome. Thank God there is a glass there but maybe she knows Owen was a baby and just wanted to play with him. Sometimes animals know the difference between adults and babies, and animals usually feel very protected and stuff for babies and want to play with them, so maybe that's what she was doing. . . but that is so awesome : )
