Monday, June 6, 2011

It's been awhile! A May recap!

Helllllloooo. May was such a beautiful month my goodness but I was so so busy. Here's the low down on what we did....

1. I attended a very good friends wedding @ the historic Overlook house in NE portland. It was so beautiful. It was the first wedding I was blessed to be a part of the bridal party; which makes weddings even more fun, getting to be with the bride all day and I was also able to do her hair for the big day!

2. My 24th birthday. Such a great birthday. I was able to go to La Provance, a french bistro, in Lake O with my bff Maggie.

Then I went to Vega Dance Studio downtown with my funnest friend Brittani and we took what we thought we a modern dance out it was a very hard core conditioning class where several times we both wanted to bail. HAHA, but we stuck it out & rewarded ourselves with Sushi & Jamba. HAMAZING!

My mother-in-law blessed me so much by spending the whole day with Owen so I was able to enjoy him in the same way everyone else does everyday...kisses, hugs, laughing & give him back...haha. I was then able to nap & take bubble bath & enjoy Sbux.

i love the great big booty.

I came back home and my dear friends from Revived (young adults group from our church) were at my house making us dinner to enjoy as a group during worship, praying, & a sermon. It was such a fun day. I felt very blessed.

3. My first Mother's day was the weekend following my birthday which is awesome. We went over to my grandmother's house to enjoy a brunch with my family. Followed by a sweet date with my hubby. We enjoyed a coffee shop, dinner, & movie date. It was nice to remember the calm of our relationship before our little bug came to us.

4. Last month we finally sleep trained our sweet little Owen & had amazing success. I am proud to say I now sleep straight through the night. AHHHHH PRAISE THE LORD! 9+ months of bad sleep = cruel & unusual punishment. I read 4 different sleep training books because none of the advice & plans I felt were best for our family. So I took bits & pieces from each book and made our own plan.

Calm playing, bath, book, singing, bottle-8pm


We laid him down awake but extremely sleepy and left him with his music to soothe himself until he began crying madly (he normally makes many quite noises when he is trying to fall asleep, so we wait until it went from normal soothing to mad {normally 5-10 minutes}) at that point we went back in and loved on him from next to his crib; patting his back(this is his favorite), sushhhing, and organize the sheets he has moved everywhere in his fuss. We stayed there for 5 minutes. Sometimes he fell asleep in that time and sometimes he just got more sleepy but if we left very rarely did we need to go back in. That seemed to be enough for him to feel safe and fall asleep.

The first night was the only night we had to let him cry when he woke up. It took 45 minutes for him to fall asleep @ 4:30am (sorry neighbors). That was a very hard night. I had to stay in bed and just pray for Owen not to be scared and for Spencer's patience to sustain. If I went in there I needed to pick him up which was intensely counter productive; so his room was off limits to me.

Starting the next night we followed our rountine and he began sleeping straight throught he night for the next 7 nights :) Pure Joy!!!! But I can not even explain in words the panic I felt every morning when I jumped out of bed and ran to his room to check on him. I was terrified something had happened to him.....but Praise the Lord my little Bug was snoozing away :)

The next two weeks he was a little back & forth...woke up 3 days, slept 5 days, woke up 2 days, slept 5 days, woke up 2 days(1 of these days we were camping) and slept 4 days. But he is very easy to put back to bed. About 10 minutes or less. It is so great though to feel rested. I can now conquer the world. :)

5. Our 1st family camping trip! We went with our friends Travis, Cori & their son Michael. It was so so fun! It was Michael, Owen, & Cori's 1st time camping. It was good enough weather and just so fun to get out of our daily grind. We went to Milo McIver State Park by Estacada, so it was only a 45 minute drive which was awesome. Spencer was determined to have the best camping food ever so he made us Steak, Peppers, Potatoes, Corn on the cob, & Hot cocoa for dinner. All made on top of our camp fire. Delicious!!!!

6. Owen turned 9 months old. My goodness how the time has passed. He has now been here with us longer than he was in my belly....which felt like forever! He is doing so well. He is very very close to walking. He goes from sitting to standing on his own all the time and then slowly lowers himself to the ground (instead of falling) which is so fun & he has started dancing now every time he gets really excited or when music comes on. He is such a Joy and I am the luckiest momma to have such a kind hearted & happy baby! Sadly he took his first super bad tumble & got a mini black eye & bleed a little. VERY SAD!!! He has offically boycoted his binky...he refuses to take it, which is great(one less thing to have to ween him off) except when hes super fussy and justs wants to cuddle, he will only take a bottle to suck on even if its empty he loves it. Goofy Boy!

Owen's girlfriend Absidy {she is 2} :)

All & All life is awesome & we are so blessed! I feel lucky to share it with all my favorite people! 
I hope you're amazing & I promise to be more attentive this month! :)

Blessings to you & Thank you so much for reading my novel :)

1 comment:

  1. You had a busy May! But it sounds like it was wonderful! I hope the rest of your year goes just as swimmingly (maybe with out the sleep training though) :-)
